4/4/24 Thurs

A final steamy scene into Nora & Raul’s love story!

Stuck with the Billionaire Cowboy

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With the official release of Nora & Raul’s love story coming 4/8, I want to share one last sneak peek. This last peek introduces a very steamy encounter. 



Things have gone back to normal with Raul ever since we won the case that was to determine the rest of his career at Duhn & Associates. He’s more relaxed, much more focused, and with the $500,000 the partners promised, he’s working day and night to land more cases, even get us our own legal assistant to help me keep up with the workload.

I’m glad he’s done doubting himself; I certainly never doubted him.

And things could’t be better between us. I always believed that working with your romantic partner was a bad idea. You take each other’s bad days personally, you take work home, you get no breaks from each other. But with Raul, I increasingly need more and more of his time. We’re still dating in secret, so I cherish the alone time we do get to share immensely.

Tonight is the night before my entrance exam. Raul had to work late tonight to land a couple of cases that will put us on the map with all the right people in San Francisco, and since I’m nervous as hell about tomorrow, we agreed for me to take some time to give myself some much needed TLC. He’ll come over later to spend the night together, and in the morning, we’ll get up bright and early so he can give me a ride to the testing facility.

I go through my closet for what feels like hours, picking, discarding and re-picking a new outfit for tomorrow. I’m fucking tense, and the more I think about tomorrow, the less confidence I have in my choices. Why does a piece of clothing have to be such an important detail into how the world views you? Why can’t I dress the way that I like and still be a fucking great attorney?

After I settle on a pair of black slim fit slacks and a matching black oversized blazer and a white fitted t-shirt, I decide that it’s time for that long awaited bubble bath. After adjusting the amount of bubbles and the perfect temperature of the water, I turn off the bathroom lights and turn the candles that line an entire corner of my tub on before sinking into the warmth of the water.

My muscles begin to relax, the lavender scented oils I added to the water evoking my mind to be completely blank for the first time in weeks. Before long, I find myself thinking about Raul. The sex we’ve been having lately has been so fucking good that I’m turned on just thinking about it.

I get myself out of the tub and grab my waterproof clit vibrator before jumping back into the water. I turn my toy on as quickly as possible and begin massaging myself, spreading my legs as I imagine Raul between them, thrusting himself into me, hitting my g-spot the way he knows I like. Before I know it, all my senses are entirely focused on the memory of us, eliciting moans from me.

“Having fun without me?” Raul asks, startling me. My cheeks turn crimson, and I attempt to normalize my breathing, embarrassed that he caught me.

“I missed you, can’t you tell?” I respond, wishing that this tub was deeper so that I can completely disappear.

“Don’t stop, I want to see you play with yourself,” He instructs me. I feel a little silly at first, but he looks at me with such hunger in his eyes that I can’t help but moan softly. He walks up to the edge of my tub, kneels before me and begins caressing my breasts. “I want to see you pleasure yourself.”

I nod silently, feeling a little shy but also turned on by his request. I turn my toy back on and close my eyes, focusing on the sensations coursing through my body as I continue to pleasure myself.

As I get lost in the moment, Raul tells me exactly what he would be doing to me if he were there with me in the tub. His words alone are enough to send shivers down my spine and make me moan even louder.

He continues to caress my breasts, occasionally tweaking my nipples or leaning down to suck on them gently. My breathing becomes more erratic as I edge closer and closer to climax.

“I’m so close,” I moan breathlessly, opening my eyes and looking into Raul’s intense gaze. He nods encouragingly and leans in for a kiss.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, my goth princess. Come for me,” he whispers into my ear.

With his words still ringing through my mind, I finally reach orgasm with a loud cry of pleasure. My body spasms as waves of pleasure wash over me, leaving me gasping for air and feeling more relaxed than ever before.

Raul smiles at me before sliding into the tub behind me fully clothed with the exception of his shoes and blazer, wrapping his arms around me and holding me close against his chest. We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes before he speaks up again.

“Are you ready for tomorrow?” he asks softly.

I sigh and lean back against him, enjoying the warmth of his body against mine.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I respond honestly.

“You’re going to do great,” he reassures me, pressing a kiss to my temple.

I sit up and turn to face him, looking into his eyes. “I fucking love you. You know that, right?” I ask before kissing him passionately.

“I love you, too, Nor,” He replies, his eyes filled with love and desire. The intensity of our passion rises as we undress each other, until finally I guide him inside me.

With a gentle push, I feel my entrance stretch around the head of his cock as I impale myself on him. His thick cock fills me completely, and I let out a moan of pleasure. Our lips lock in a deep and passionate kiss as I begin to ride him slowly, grasping the edges of the tub for support. The warmth of the water crashes against our skin, creating a luxurious sensation unlike anything I’ve experienced before. Raul's hands roam over my wet body, exploring every inch he can reach as we make love against the cool porcelain of the tub.

As our rhythm quickens, my nails dig into his shoulders, leaving little half-moon marks on his skin. Our hips slap against each other in a primal dance that mirrors our growing desire for one another. Raul bites down on my neck softly, leaving love bites that will later turn into bruises. I clasp my legs around his waist and press my body tighter against him with every thrust, feeling his cock hit my G-spot just right with each movement. His grip on my hips tightens, encouraging me to ride him harder as he whispers, “Just like that, beautiful.”

Our skin slaps together repeatedly as we grind against each other while lost in pleasure, creating an echoing soundtrack in my small bathroom. We both let out deep moans and groans that fill the space around us, drowning out any other noise. The scent of sex and desire fills the air as we move faster and faster until I feel myself getting closer to an orgasm. I break our kiss and throw my head back with pleasure, letting out a loud cry that mixes with the sound of the water slushing around us.


Raul is fast asleep next to me, his chest rising and falling with each peaceful breath. Me, on the other hand? I’ll be lucky if I get more than a couple of hours of sleep before morning time. I get out of bed and swap the t-shirt I chose earlier and opt for a white short-sleeved turtleneck to cover up the love bites Raul left on my neck. I’ve studied non-stop over the past couple of months that I can practically recite everything Raul thinks they’re going to ask me.

But still, I’m restless.

I quietly walk back to my bathroom, knowing that there’s just one last thing that I need to do. I retrieve the black hair dye kit from under the sink, I carefully read through the instructions once more. Taking a deep breath, I mix the creams and dyes together before slowly adding the first drop of color to my bright pink locks. “Well, here goes nothing.”

Once I've let the dye sit in my hair for the recommended time, I rinse it out and pat my hair dry with a towel. Stepping in front of my bathroom mirror, tears start to trickle down my cheeks without any conscious effort.

I don’t recognize myself anymore.

Coming up next week: the official release of Nora & Raul’s love story!

This grumpy billionaire drives me crazy… in and out of the bedroom.

Being his executive assistant is no easy feat.

Max is my brother’s best friend and off-limit boss.

Because of his grumpy attitude, we often bump heads.

Despite him being twice my age,

This stern alpha male knows how to keep my heart racing,

With stolen glances and unspoken words.

The way he talks about his daughter,

Makes me want to know more about the man behind the mask.

So, I offered to be his nanny.

Which gave me the opportunity to be closer to him.

The warmth of his embrace, the intoxicating scent of his cologne,

Brings our bodies perfectly together.

In each kiss and stolen moments,

I find myself falling for him.

What if my feelings go unrequited?

What if it destroys everything we've built?

Society may judge us …

But if my brother finds out… he’ll freak out. 


Jade Styles